Zays Mane Podcast

Here to Spread The Mane one listener at a time.The•Mane1. The confidence in yourself, and your abilities 2. Remaining strong through adversity 3. Spreading Positivity Share it with friends and family whoever. Here you can find a 30 Day meditation series, with more to come. #SPREADTHEMANE.

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Sunday May 03, 2020

"In this episode, we're going to be a doing a six minute Focus mediation.Today we will be doing a Focused meditation
Focused meditation involves focusing your attention on an object, sound, or sensation helping you stay in present moment and slowing down the inner dialogue that goes on in our head.  

Friday May 01, 2020

"In this episode, we're going to be a doing a Five minutes until night night meditation. Having a hard time falling asleep .. Well welcome to the club. Todays meditation are for those who live a fast paced life. Thoughts and body constantly on go it may be hard to just be able to unwind. Well todays podcast will hopefully be the solution . Let’s take a look at some breathing exercises to calm your mind and body to help you fall asleep.

Day 4 of 30 Box Breathing

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

"In this episode, we're going to be a doing a Four minute meditation. These four minutes we will practice a breathing exercise known as the box breathe during our meditatio

Day 3 of 30- Russell Brand Quote

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

"In this episode, we're going to be a doing a THREE minute meditation. Over a quote I came across a few days back. The quote reads,” Doesn't it help you to evaluate whats important to you? .. Russell Brand

Monday Apr 27, 2020

"In this episode, we're going to be a doing a two minute Positive affirmation mediation. In short,positive affirmations are statements that are repeated to lighten up and encourage the person speaking them. Positive affirmations only include positivewords.  Positive affirmations are spoken as statements of fact and truth. SO SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND SPEAK IT INTO EXSISTENCE.

Day 1 of 30 - Just Breathe

Monday Apr 27, 2020

Monday Apr 27, 2020

Day 1 : "In this episode, we're going to be a doing a one minute exercise from Mallika Chopras “ Just breathe “ Yoga child book that covers mindfulness, meditation, movement, and more.

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